Thank you, Michael Dean and Class 225 of the San Bernardino County Sheriff Training Academy for selecting Megan's Wings to benefit from your fundraising efforts this spring! This small but mighty class of 35 future law enforcement officers raising $25,500 for Megan's
Wings through a golf tournament and other fundraisers during their 6 months of training.
We are especially proud of Michael Dean, who nominated Megan's Wings as their charity, and was selected Top in his Class! He now serves on the Ontario Police Force. We had the pleasure of coaching Mikey in track and field when he was at Chaffey HS. There are a handful of kids that really capture your heart, and Michael was one of those kids. He was a 4.0 student, elite athlete, and all-around great kid. He took home 4 golds in the baseline league track meet his senior year, and went on to play collegiate football and received his degree from Idaho State. He will serve the City of Ontario well. Congrats Mikey Dean!!